Forensic Science

Forensic Science is a science course that incorporates biology, chemistry, math, and physics and is recommended for upper middle school or high school students. This course is taught as a traditional science course, incorporating laboratory activities, virtual activities, and short-term projects. A previous course in biology and/or chemistry will be helpful, but is not required. This is a graded course. Grades are provided for this course. Students should expect to spend 2-3 hours a week outside of class doing assignments, watching videos, and working on projects.
Topics covered in this course include:
Crime Scene Processing
Types of fingerprints, fingerprint analysis, and fuming for fingerprints
Hair and fiber analysis
Identifying glass fragments using physical matches and refractive analysis
Soils and impression casts
Ballistics and tool markings
Blood spatters
DNA Evidence
Drug analysis and toxicology
Forensic entomology and anthropology
Careers in Forensic Science
​Required Materials​
Forensic Science: Fundamentals & Investigations, ISBN: 978-1305077119, available through the Amazon Marketplace, or your preferred book seller.
goggles, ANSI standard Z87.1 approved (safety googles will NOT work)
A basic calculator - does not need to be a graphing calculator
Computer access for Google Classroom (requires an email address)
binder or notebook for notes
lab notebook