Earth Science & Astronomy

Earth Science & Astronomy is an honors-level middle school science course. It is designated as honors not because it’s more work, but because I will introduce additional advanced topics in this course that are not generally introduced until high school.This course is taught as a traditional science course, incorporating laboratory activities, virtual activities, short-term projects, long-term studies, and field investigations. No previous formal science classes are required to be successful in this class. Grades are provided for this course. Students should expect to spend 2-3 hours a week outside of class doing assignments, watching videos, and working on projects. There is an additional lab fee for this course.
Topics covered in this course include:
The Scientific Methods and Models
Rocks & Minerals
Energy Resources
The Fossil Record
Weathering & Soil Formation
Water, Erosion, & Deposition
The Atmosphere and Weather
Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe
Formation of the Solar System
The Planets of our Solar System
Space Exploration​
Required Materials
Holt McDougal Earth Science, ISBN: 978-0554005393, available through the Amazon Marketplace, or your preferred book seller.
A basic calculator - does not need to be a graphing calculator
Computer access for Google Classroom (requires an email address)
binder or notebook for notes
1 subject spiral notebook for lab notebook